15 August 2022-23 photos

Celebrating 15 August in School

Technical Vikas
15 August celebration in my school 

I assume you are asking for ideas on how to celebrate 15 August (India's Independence Day) in your school. Here are a few suggestions:

Flag hoisting ceremony: Organize a flag hoisting ceremony in your school, where students can gather to pay their respects to the Indian flag.

Patriotic songs and speeches: Students can sing patriotic songs and deliver speeches on the significance of India's Independence Day. This can be organized as an assembly or a separate event.

Quiz and essay competitions: Conduct quiz and essay competitions for students to increase their knowledge of India's history and struggle for independence.

Decorations: Decorate the school with tricolour decorations, posters, and banners.

Cultural program: Organize a cultural program showcasing various forms of Indian dance, music, and art.

Guest speakers: Invite guest speakers who can talk about the importance of India's Independence Day and share their experiences related to the freedom struggle.

Charity drive: Organize a charity drive where students can donate clothes, books, or other items to underprivileged sections of society.

These are just a few ideas, and you can customize them as per the resources available to you. The key is to create an atmosphere of patriotism and celebrate the freedom that India achieved after years of struggle.

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